Additional Educational Needs

Aims of Our Additional Educational Needs (AEN) Department

At Templemichael College, we are committed to supporting students with Additional Educational Needs (AEN) in their academic, social, emotional, and physical development. Our goal is to provide a supportive and inclusive environment where every student feels inculuded and has the opportunity to thrive among their peers. 
Key Goals:
- Provide an inclusive environment where every student can reach their full potential with access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
- Equip students with the skills needed to live independently and continue learning in adult life.
- Work closely with parents/guardians to ensure they are involved in decisions about their child's education.
Transition Support:
We welcome parents of incoming AEN students to visit the school at any time during the transition process to address concerns and discuss supports. Early identification of needs, based on enrolment forms, 6th class Passports, and communication with primary schools, helps us prepare for a smooth transition.

Support Models:
Our school follows the Continuum of Support to meet student needs:
  • 1. Support for All: Inclusive teaching strategies are used to ensure all students can succeed within the mainstream classroom.
  • 2. Support for Some: For students with identified literacy, numeracy, or social and emotional needs, additional targeted support is provided. This may include small group interventions, team teaching, or Irish exemption withdrawal to help these students reach their full potential.
  • 3. Support for a Few: For students with more complex learning needs, we create personalised learning plans to support their inclusion in the mainstream classroom as much as possible. These plans are tailored to the individual and may include targeted interventions, adjusted curriculums, access to assistive technology, Level 2 Learning Programmes , Life skills programs, and SNA support where necessary.
    Special Classes:
    We provide three Support Classes for students with a designated  Special Educational Needs:

    - Mild General Learning Disability Class (11 placements)

    - Two Autism Spectrum Disorder Classes (6 placements each)

    Students in these classes followed an individualised plan and are integrated with their mainstream peers for their subjects and social activities for as much as possible. Students also receive individualised support to meet their own needs e.g. targeted interventions, adjusted curriculums, access to Assistive Technology, Level 2 Learning Programmes, LifeSkills programs, SNA support etc. from the Special Class allocation.   

    For more information on enrolment into either Special Class please see our Admissions Policy under 'Admissions 2025' on this website. 

    English as an Additional Language (EAL)

    When EAL (English as an Additional Language) students join Templemichael College, their English Language level is assessed using the PDST EAL Post Primary Assessment Kit. Based on this, they are placed in small, intensive support classes to help them adjust to school life. These classes focus on practical English to help them understand the school system, followed by subject-specific vocabulary to prepare for other classes. After the intensive classes, students receive additional support based on their needs, such as Irish Exemption EAL,  literacy/numeracy support, or in-class assistance in subjects like Maths and English. 

    EAL students are also encouraged to join extracurricular activities to help them integrate into the school community.

    ASD Support Classroom

    SNA Team